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There Are Lots Of Things You Could Do With That Unused Attic

It is fair to say that Covid changed the lives of many people in the UK. Whether that is for better or for worse is a matter of personal opinion, but the fact remains that many people who used to work in an office and had to commute every day no longer do so. Some people WFH for two or even three days a week, while others may only pop into the office occasionally to remind themselves of what the boss looks like!

This has created a problem for a lot of people. Sure, there is the reduction in commuting, which is good. There is the savings on transport costs, meals at lunchtime, and so on, not to mention the actual time spent on travel.

However, it has also caused problems in many homes because people are having to work in a bedroom, on the kitchen table, or even in the sitting room. There is also the issue, for many, of having kids around for part of the day, even if they are at school. All of which means that it would be great to have a quiet space in which to work that you can call the “office” and where you won’t be disturbed.

A Catch

But there is a catch. You don’t have a spare room.

If that’s your problem, then at ProBuild Lancaster we have the solution. It’s called attic conversions in Preston. Think about it: many older homes have an attic which is used as a junk room, or a playroom, but it is not big enough to accommodate everything you need for the working day. Desk, filing cabinets, landline, internet connection, wall charts, and so on. Converting that attic could make your working day a whole lot easier.

At ProBuild Lancaster, we have lots of ideas for attic conversions in Preston—and not just in Preston, either. We have carried out many of them, and you would be surprised at what can be done with an old attic that you basically don’t use.

It could also be that you don’t work from home at the moment for the simple reason you haven’t got the right space. Perhaps you could work from home going forwards if we altered the attic for you?

You could also use the attic for other things than WFH as well. For instance, why not turn it into a laundry room where you can do the washing and ironing, freeing up more space in the kitchen? There are lots of options.

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